Pro is pleased to work with the Westfalia Surge Co to supply chiller systems to the Dairy Industry.
Westfalia Surge is one of the leading suppliers of Dairy Equipment worldwide, with an incredible dealer network.
We were contacted by Miguel Dairy Systems of Hereford Texas to help design a system for the Cnossen Dairy Project,
which was to be one of the largest dairy facilities in the state of Texas. This incredible facility houses around
10,000 cows, plus a complete hospital barn and a calf raising facility.

Figure 1 one of the milkers monitors the machines, they milk 100 cows at a time with 50 cows on each side!
We've been fortunate to work with the team at Miguel Dairy Systems on close to 50 Dairy Projects in; Nebraska,
Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico over the past 15 years. They are amazing craftsmen that know their jobs,
and the Dairy business, as well as anyone.
Figure 2 150 HP Chiller System with 3 Ea 50 HP refrigeration circuits.
Figure 3
Horizon Circuited Pro Former air cooled condensers
For this project we manufactured a 150 HP Remote Air Cooled system,
they utilize 100 HP to instantly cool the milk from 98 F to 36 F,
with the third 50 HP circuit in place for back up and to help cool
during the highest producing groups of cows.

Figure 4 the milk is cooled within a 2 stage
sanitary plate heat exchanger, precooled first with well water
and then utilizing the chilled glycol for the final cooling to 36 F.
It is amazing to see the technology and design that goes into a modern dairy facility.
We thrive on the challenge to instantly cool this huge quantity of milk reliably and also efficiently.
If ever the opportunity arises to tour one of these facilities, we would highly recommend it.

Figure 5 This is a "subway" style parlor, all of the milk lines, receivers,
and vacuum system is located in a basement beneath the milking parlor.
Congratulations to the Cnossen Family and to Miguel Dairy systems on an incredible facility,
we appreciated working with you and look forward to working together again in the future!